Is it possible to rent without a tourist licence in Spain?

¿Do you have a tourist licence to rent out your holiday home? Find out if you can rent without a tourist licence in Spain and what risks are involved.

Do you rent out your holiday home and do you have a tourist licence?  Find out if you can rent without a tourist licence in Spain and what risks are involved.

In Spain, as in most countries, the tourist rental of properties, including flats or villas, is regulated by law. Below, we will answer some key questions related to the tourist licence and provide links to official sources for more detailed information.

Is it possible to rent without a tourist licence?

Short answer: No, in Spain you cannot rent a property for tourist purposes without a valid tourist licence.Although in Spain there is no single regulation governing tourism at a state level, but rather, tourist activities are regulated by the autonomous communities, the regulations require that any property offered for tourist rental must meet a series of requirements and have a specific licence to carry out this activity.

For detailed information on the requirements and the process of obtaining a tourist licence, you can consult the laws in force in each autonomous region:

Why are some landlords renting without a tourist licence?

Despite the obligation to obtain a tourist licence, some owners choose to rent out their properties without complying with this regulation. The reasons behind this decision can vary, but often relate to a lack of knowledge about the regulations, the belief that they can avoid penalties or simply the desire to avoid red tape.

What happens if I rent without a tourist licence?

Renting a property without the proper tourist licence can result in serious penalties. The Spanish authorities have increased surveillance and enforcement of these regulations in recent years. Renting properties without complying with the tourist rental laws can lead to significant fines and the possibility of the property being closed temporarily or permanently.

How to declare a tourist rental?

To rent a property with a tourist licence in Spain, it is necessary to follow a proper declaration process. The process can vary depending on the location and local regulations, but generally involves providing detailed information about the property, meeting certain safety standards and submitting the required documentation.

In short, tourist rental in Spain is strictly regulated and it is important to comply with the relevant laws and regulations. This not only ensures that your business is legal, but also provides a safe and satisfactory experience for your guests.

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