Guide on being a digital nomad in Spain

If you are reading this... You are probably taking (or considering) the first step to change your life! Working remotely from Marbella will not only mean a change in terms of work life: you will enjoy our food, our culture, our landscapes, our people and our lifestyle.

If you are reading this… You are probably taking (or considering) the first step to change your life! Working remotely from Marbella will not only mean a change in terms of work life: you will enjoy our food, our culture, our landscapes, our people and our lifestyle.

Being a digital nomad in Spain is now possible and completely legal. The benefits can be multiple, however, it must be done correctly so that all parties (the company you work for, the destination country and you) are in agreement and aware of any activity being carried out.

We will also discuss in this guide the possibility of getting a digital nomad visa in Spain.

Who would be a digital nomad?

A digital nomad is a professional who takes advantage of new technologies to work anywhere in the world, without the need to be in an office or fixed location.

Digital nomads only need a good Internet connection and a laptop at hand to work. People who opt for this lifestyle are usually people who like to travel and enrich themselves with the culture and customs of other countries.

“I like my country! However, now that I am young and since my job allows me to do so, I would like to be able to travel all over Europe, live experiences and grow personally” comments a digital nomad.

Suitable professions for a digital nomad

New technologies have made it possible for many work activities to be carried out remotely and there are more and more professions where working remotely in Spain can be an option.

The areas in which teleworking is mainly focused are:

  • Programming
  • Digital Marketing
  • Design
  • Inquiries
  • Journalism
  • Photography
  • Virtual assistance

This trend is on the rise, there is no doubt that, more and more, new professions will join (and be created) to follow this trend.

Why work remotely from Spain?

The reasons for a digital nomad to work remotely from Spain are countless: from our culture of tolerance, respect, flamenco, art, tapas and beer on the beach to our climate, architecture and landscapes and our unique way of enjoying life.

However, we are not only talking about place… In Spain, since very recently, this way of working is regulated by the Royal Decree. This Decree sets out several requirements to be met by the digital nomad who wants to come to our country:

  • Necessary elements (tools and means) to perform the work
  • Data protection and information security
  • Consideration of expenses
  • Working hours and availability
  • Percentage and distribution of work
  • Activity control
  • Technical incident procedures
  • Indefinite-term contract

Everything in order and regulated so that you can give remote work in Spain a chance!

Advantages of working from Spain

Well, now you know how to be a digital nomad in Spain, it’s time to see all the advantages and benefits it can bring to you and your professional and personal growth.

Comfort in your work and family life

With this option, your work and family life will be more comfortable and easier in your day-to-day life, both individually and when it comes to reconciling both. However, it is important to know how to separate work hours and free time; in other words, you must organize your time.

All this translates into the reduction of any type of anxiety and stress, as well as an improvement in mood.

Economic savings

Going to work can sometimes be expensive. Having to go by car or public transport and having to stop at a bar or buy convenience food to eat between meals generates an extra expense for the employee.

By working remotely from the comfort of your home, all these expenses disappear.


You will be able to manage your time better, especially thanks to flexible working hours. This will allow you to focus more on the activity you are developing and do it in a shorter period of time. There are no distractions, so you will be able to better distribute your personal and work time.

Worker commitment

There is greater employee commitment to the company’s objectives and values, since it is a job in which there is usually more empathy. This helps to attract attractive profiles and differentiate the company from the competition.

Reduction of company expenses

For companies, there are also cost savings, since with the workforce working remotely, there are savings in water, electricity and even rent (if teleworking is present in the entire workforce).

Digitalization of the brand

Working remotely implies mastering all the technology that will be used for its development, as well as an improvement of internal communication. Digital skills, in this case, are essential.

Tips on how to become a digital nomad in Spain

There is no doubt that Spain is a perfect place to live, so being a digital nomad here will always be a good option. However, the beginnings can be tricky… Follow these tips!

  1. Join online communities of people who work like you to discover the locations you might find most interesting and meet new people.
  2. Look for those places that best suit your personality, lifestyle and work.
  3. Define your requirements and plan itineraries.
  4. Keep an open mind and consider all possible scenarios.
  5. Work based on your objectives.
  6. Set your own schedule and movements.
  7. Adapt to your customers and the new labor market.

Tips for living as a digital nomad in Spain

To live as a digital nomad in Spain, maybe these tips can help you:

  • You must get used to a good organization and previous planning, where you have time for everything, but where work is not constantly interrupted by leisure. Be committed to your work.
  • Keep spaces and luggage light.
  • Make a copy of everything you do, in case you lose it. It will help you breathe easy.
  • Choose the destination and the area where you are going to develop each of the work activities. Spain is rich in culture and each of its provinces will have something to offer you… Just look for the one that best suits you!

What do you need to work remotely from Spain? Requirements

The requirements to work remotely from Spain are:

  • Apply for a self-employment visa.
  • Authorization for residence and self-employment.
  • Accreditation of passport, medical certificate, denial of criminal record and professional degree.

All this must be approved by the Government Delegation or Subdelegation of each province, so it can be a process of several months… But it will be worth it!

Visa for digital nomads in Spain

In order to be able to telework in our country, a visa for digital nomads in Spain has been provided, with which you can easily work on your own.

With this visa, you will have a residence permit of more than six months, exclusive for foreigners or remote people outside the national territory and without local work permit. The advantages are multiple!

To sum up, living and working from Spain is an option that anyone who has the possibility could consider at some point to improve their quality of life. And, of course, if your destination is Spain… Success is assured!



From Vacation Marbella wants that everyone knows the benefit about staying in Marbella. There are a plenty of activities that you can do with your family, friends or even with you pet. Share the information with everyone and who knows, maybe could join your plans!