Torcal de Antequera Nature Reserve

The Torcal Antequera Nature ✅ Reserve is the most important, beautiful karstic phenomenon in Spain. Located north of Malaga, see more details on this page.

The Torcal de Antequera Nature Reserve is the most important, beautiful karstic phenomenon in Spain, placed in the north of the province of Málaga, between the towns of Antequera and Villanueva de la Concepción.

The most recommended access is through the city of Antequera. You should to continue towards “Villanueva de la Concepción” and “El Torcal”, through a mountain road, the A-7075. Following this road up to kilometer 42, you get to the detour the “Torcal Alto Visitor Center”

The access road from Málaga is the A-45, towards Cordoba-Seville-Granada up to Casabermeja exit. Take this exit and go on by A-7075 until “Villanueva de la Concepción”. When you arrive to this small town, you should continue in direction of “Antequera” until you get to the detour the “Torcal Alto Visitor Center”

The access of private vehicles to the Nature Reserve is limited to the capacity of superior parking, located next to the “Visitor Center”. When it is complete, the access to private vehicles is closed, in which case the vehicles should be parked in the lower parking next to the A-7075.

Tel: (0034) 952 24 33 24

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