Digital Nomad Visa in Spain: all you need to know

The visa for digital nomads seeks to attract foreign teleworkers to our country, and further promote Spain as a tourist destination.

With the visa for digital nomads in Spain, we seek to attract foreign teleworkers to our country, as we have an unparalleled tourist destination.

In 2020, along with the pandemic, we did not only learn to be extremely hygienic and stay at home as a precaution. The whole world changed, as did our habits and, at the workplace level, teleworking was boosted to dimensions that had never been seen in the past.

Remote work opens up a wide range of possibilities for those who opt for this, we can call it, lifestyle. Teleworkers only need Internet connection to work, where they are physically does not matter. “If they have a choice… Better to work near the beach or loved ones” think many of them.

What is a digital nomad visa?

A digital nomad visa works like regular visas but, in this case, to be able to work for short or extended periods of time abroad independently.

This visa, of course, does not apply to every job. It is intended for those whose occupations require only a computer and Internet connection.

In order to work legally in another country, a digital nomad visa is required. Foreign teleworkers cannot apply for a traditional work visa, as a contract with a local company and/or a letter of invitation is required.

On the other hand, the tourist visa can be very short-lived; for these reasons, many countries (including Spain) are beginning to introduce this type of visa for digital nomads that allows remote workers to stay in that country and work legally.

Why does Spain offer a visa for digital nomads?

The digital nomad visa is expected to attract more foreign workers to our country, especially for two reasons:

  • To have more inhabitants in rural areas affected by depopulation.
  • Attract remote workers to other more touristic areas (e.g. Marbella) and improve the economy of our country.

Who can apply for the digital nomad visa in Spain?

In principle, this visa can be applied for by non-EU foreigners (including the UK) as long as they work for companies based outside Spain. In addition, the inclusion of a visa for foreigners working in a foreign company in Spain is contemplated.

On the other hand, people with a European Union passport or from Schengen countries will have the possibility of teleworking in Spain for a maximum period of six months per year without the need to officially register.

How long will digital nomads be able to stay in Spain?

According to the preliminary draft of the Law for emerging companies: “The visa for teleworking of international character allows to enter and reside in Spain for a maximum of one year.”

However, it is possible to continue renewing for 2 more years, as long as the initial requirements of the visa for digital nomads in the Spanish territory are met.

Will digital nomads have tax advantages in Spain?

With the intention of attracting international talent, digital nomads who come to Spain to carry out their work activity will have a series of tax benefits.

Thus, the tax rate for corporate income tax and non-resident income tax is reduced (from 25% to 15% in the first four years).

On the other hand, in the case of those digital nomads who generate more than €600,000 gross per year, the tax rate will remain at 47%. In order to be taxed in this way, the requirements are lowered, and the maximum period for having been a tax resident in Spain will be reduced from 10 to 5 years. The period of enjoyment will also be extended from 5 to 10 years.

Does the digital nomad visa include family members?

As with other types of visas, foreigners who manage to obtain this type of visa will be able to include their family members in it. However, the family relationship will have to be reviewed.

To put it bluntly, it is normal for a mother or father to be able to include their son or daughter on the visa for telecommuters in Spain, but this may not be the case for a more distant relative such as a nephew, niece or cousin.

Requirements for obtaining a visa for digital nomads in Spain

These are the requirements to obtain the visa for digital nomads in our country:

  • Proof of working remotely for companies located outside Spain.
  • To be a highly qualified professional
  • Have at least 3 years of professional experience
  • Demonstrate that there is a real and continuous work activity for at least 1 year with the foreign company.
  • Demonstrate that you earn 80% or more of your income working for foreign companies.
  • Demonstrate that international employers authorize the performance of remote work

Once the visa has been obtained, it will be possible to proceed to process a residence and work permit remotely from Spain.

In short, the visa for digital nomads in Spain is designed for those who want to make the most of their life in our country, being able to combine it with their work abroad. The world evolves, our customs, habits and our way of living and working, too.



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