On the Costa del Sol we're so lucky with plenty of bright sunshine and high temperatures. Here's a guide to have a wonderful time here during the winter
[category] => 200
[latestCategoryPosts] => Array
[0] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 405401
[post_author] => 1
[post_date] => 2021-05-26 11:45:02
[post_date_gmt] => 2021-05-26 09:45:02
[post_content] => ¿Estás planeando viajar con tus mascotas? ¡Con un poco de planificación y preparación puedes hacerlo!
Atrás quedaron los días en los que los dueños de perros y gatos tenían que dejar a sus mascotas en una residencia o pedirle a alguien que las cuidara mientras se iban de vacaciones por unas semanas. Hoy en día, con aerolíneas cada vez más amigables con las mascotas y el aumento de los perros de terapia, hay más alquileres vacacionales que permiten animales. Los hoteles aún están un poco rezagados, pero con un alquiler vacacional, puedes llevar a tu amigo peludo y disfrutar de unas vacaciones maravillosas en un hogar lejos de casa.
Nos encantan nuestras mascotas en Vacation Marbella y estamos orgullosos de nuestra selección de alquileres vacacionales que aceptan mascotas en Marbella. Pero sabemos que también hay ciertas normas y reglamentos que debes cumplir para llevar a tus mascotas, por lo que en este artículo compartimos toda la información que necesitas para traer a tu mascota a Marbella en tus próximas vacaciones.
Consejos generales para viajar con mascotas
Empieza a planificar un poco antes si viajas con animales, ya que hay ciertas cosas que necesitan, y puede tomar algo de tiempo prepararlas.
Infórmate sobre las reglas de viaje y asegúrate de tener todo lo que necesitas con tiempo suficiente. Asegúrate de que tu mascota tenga toda la documentación necesaria y esté al día con sus vacunas. Las aerolíneas no te permitirán llevar a tu perro o gato si no están registrados y sus vacunas contra la rabia no están actualizadas. Una vez que llegues a tu destino, la mayoría de los lugares y alojamientos también verificarán esto para asegurarse de que tu mascota esté completamente protegida.
Piensa en tus opciones de viaje: muchos de nuestros huéspedes de alquileres vacacionales eligen conducir y tomar un ferry en lugar de volar para hacer el viaje más fácil y menos estresante para sus animales. Conducir desde el Reino Unido y muchas partes de Europa es fácil, y también te da la oportunidad de ver otras partes de España en el camino. Irlanda también tiene algunas nuevas rutas de ferry, que muchos amantes de las mascotas están aprovechando.
Encuentra alojamiento que acepte mascotas y que cuente con espacios exteriores donde ellas también puedan disfrutar de las vacaciones.
Reglamentos europeos y españoles para viajar con mascotas
Si viajas dentro de la UE con tus mascotas, asegúrate de entender las reglas y cumplir con ellas. Se define como mascota a cinco o menos animales que viajan con su dueño o con una persona responsable, dentro de los cinco días siguientes al viaje del dueño.
Tu mascota (perro, gato o hurón) debe:
Estar identificada con microchip
Tener una vacuna antirrábica válida
Tener un pasaporte para animales de la UE
Para conocer todas las normas, incluidas las relativas a otros tipos de mascotas, puedes leer los requisitos oficiales en el sitio web del gobierno español.
Si viajas desde un país no perteneciente a la UE, debes presentarte en un Punto de Entrada de Viajeros (TPE) oficial y declarar a la policía que viajas con una mascota, presentando la documentación del animal. Esto puede incluir un certificado de salud animal o una declaración escrita que indique que el traslado no se debe a razones comerciales. También deben tener una copia de sus registros de vacunación, una vacuna antirrábica válida y estar identificados con microchip.
Hay un excelente artículo de Age in Spain con más información sobre este tema, que te recomendamos consultar.
Reglas de las aerolíneas para viajar con mascotas
Las aerolíneas varían en sus políticas para transportar mascotas, pero requieren notificación previa y a menudo implica un costo adicional. AENA, la empresa que gestiona los aeropuertos españoles, tiene buena información sobre viajar con animales y advierte: “El incumplimiento de las normativas pone en peligro tanto a ti como a tu mascota, y puede significar que tu mascota no pueda volver a ingresar a la UE, o que tenga que ser puesta en cuarentena o incluso sacrificada.”
La aerolínea Iberia permite que las mascotas viajen contigo en la cabina o en la bodega, pero limita el número de animales por vuelo, por lo que necesitas contactar a la oficina de reservas para garantizar que puedan viajar contigo. Los perros, gatos, peces, tortugas y aves que pesen 8 kg o menos, incluyendo el transportín, pueden estar en la cabina contigo, siempre que el contenedor cumpla con las restricciones de tamaño. Es importante destacar que Iberia no está autorizada a transportar animales al Reino Unido.
Vueling tiene requisitos similares a Iberia para el transporte de mascotas en la cabina, pero no permite ningún animal en la bodega. Permiten perros, gatos, aves y tortugas siempre que el transportín cumpla con las dimensiones aprobadas y el animal con transportín no pese más de 8 kg.
EasyJet y Ryanair no permiten animales en sus vuelos, excepto perros guía y de asistencia registrados.
Antes de elegir una aerolínea, verifica su política para viajar con animales.
Los mejores tipos de alojamiento para viajar con mascotas
Los alquileres vacacionales son definitivamente mejores que los hoteles cuando se viaja con mascotas, ya que tú y tus amigos peludos tendrán el espacio al que están acostumbrados en casa. A diferencia de la mayoría de los hoteles, cada vez hay más alquileres vacacionales que permiten mascotas.
Recomendamos buscar una propiedad con espacio exterior privado y cerrado, como un apartamento en planta baja con jardín privado, o una villa con jardín. Esto le da a tu mascota más libertad y es menos probable que moleste a los vecinos.
Una ubicación cerca del paseo marítimo, parques para perros o una playa para perros también es ideal para los momentos de paseo y juego.
Muchos de los alquileres vacacionales que permiten mascotas son de propietarios de mascotas, por lo que tendrán todo lo que necesitas, como espacio designado para que el animal duerma, coma, etc.
Te recomendamos consultar nuestra lista de alquileres vacacionales que aceptan mascotas en Marbella para ver las opciones disponibles.
Consejos al buscar alquileres vacacionales con tus mascotas
Cuando lleves a tu mascota de vacaciones, debes estar consciente de las reglas especiales que cada alquiler vacacional que acepte mascotas tiene.
Si permites que tus mascotas se sienten o duerman en cualquier mueble o cama, asegúrate de cubrirlos completamente con mantas o toallas.
Si el alquiler vacacional o el hotel tiene una política de "No mascotas en los muebles", por favor respétala.
Si debes dejar a tu mascota sola, asegúrate de que sea solo por un corto periodo de tiempo.
También es una buena idea notificar a la administración de la propiedad si tu mascota está sola en el alquiler vacacional. Cuando están en un lugar desconocido, incluso las mascotas mejor entrenadas pueden hacer ruido o comportarse de manera destructiva.
Algunos alojamientos también requieren un pago por adelantado o incluso una tarifa por día para tu mascota. Por lo tanto, verifica antes de reservar y ten en cuenta que permitir mascotas implica costos adicionales para el propietario, ya que deben limpiar a fondo la propiedad para evitar que el próximo huésped tenga reacciones alérgicas.
¿Es Marbella apta para mascotas?
¡Lo es! Hay muchos amantes de los animales en Marbella y ciertamente verás muchos perros por la ciudad. Hemos visto un aumento en los parques para perros y bares y cafés que atienden a los perros y a sus dueños, lo cual es maravilloso. También hay una sección dedicada en las playas que permite perros durante los meses de verano, para que tu perro pueda disfrutar de un chapuzón en las olas. Sin embargo, hay algunas restricciones a tener en cuenta.
La mayoría de los restaurantes de Marbella no permiten perros dentro de los restaurantes, por lo que las cafeterías al aire libre y los restaurantes con terrazas son las mejores opciones. Estos están por todas partes, por lo que no te faltará elección.
En la temporada de verano, los perros tampoco están permitidos en la mayoría de las playas. Sin embargo, hay algunas playas designadas para ellos, así que busca esos lugares durante tu estancia. Fuera de la temporada alta, los perros son bienvenidos nuevamente en las playas, lo cual es mejor para sus patas sensibles en la arena de todos modos.
También están surgiendo parques para perros y muchos parques están felices de dar la bienvenida a tus peludos para que se diviertan junto a ti.
Por supuesto, durante las vacaciones, es importante que encuentres tiempo para ejercitar a tu mascota. Como precaución, lleva contigo un bozal, correa, collar y bolsas para desechos cada vez que salgas con ellos.
Los mejores alquileres vacacionales para mascotas en Marbella
Villas con jardines privados maduros que ofrecen a tus mascotas lugares para explorar y áreas sombreadas para relajarse.
Apartamentos en planta baja con jardines privados y suficiente espacio tanto dentro como fuera para tu mascota.
Un alquiler vacacional cerca de una playa para perros: aquí tienes una lista de ocho playas para perros en la Costa del Sol.
Una ubicación cercana a buenos paseos para perros en el campo o parques grandes donde puedan explorar juntos.
Las mejores cosas para hacer en Marbella con tus mascotas
Explora el campo: mucha gente no sabe que hay maravillosos paseos y un campo hermoso cerca de Marbella. Justo detrás de la ciudad se encuentra la icónica La Concha, con increíbles paseos y rutas de senderismo. También hay una ruta de senderismo en Nagüeles y Benahavís que te recomendamos.
Encuentra un parque para perros: cada vez hay más parques para perros donde puedes relajarte y dejar que tu perro juegue con otros animales, y probablemente conocer a otros dueños de perros. El Parque Los Tres Jardines en el polígono de San Pedro tiene un parque para perros de 4.500 metros cuadrados. También hay otro parque para perros en Nagüeles, frente al colegio secundario Swans. Adéntrate en el parque Nagüeles y sigue las señales.
Pasea por el paseo marítimo y haz una parada para tomar algo y comer en el camino: el largo paseo marítimo es el lugar perfecto para pasear, ya que es plano y fácil, con hermosas vistas al mar, además de muchos bares, cafés y restaurantes en el camino. Todos tienen mesas exteriores, por lo que no hay problema en llevar a tu mascota y descansar tus pies y los de tu peludo.
Ve a la playa: como mencionamos, debes verificar si los perros están permitidos en la temporada alta de verano y elegir una playa designada para perros. Sin embargo, fuera de temporada, puedes elegir la playa más cercana a tu alquiler vacacional. Los perros disfrutan muchísimo nadando, corriendo, atrapando palos y jugando en la arena. ¡No te lo puedes perder!
Esperamos que este artículo haya hecho que viajar con mascotas sea más fácil. Consulta nuestros alquileres vacacionales que aceptan mascotas en Marbella en nuestro sitio web o contáctanos para obtener más información y nuestras recomendaciones.
[post_title] => Viajar con mascotas
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[post_name] => viajar-con-mascotas-consejos-a-la-hora-de-buscar-alquileres-vacacionales
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[post_modified] => 2024-09-06 13:31:33
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-09-06 11:31:33
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[guid] => https://vacationmarbella.com/travelling-with-pets/
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[1] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 392427
[post_author] => 1
[post_date] => 2021-05-26 11:45:02
[post_date_gmt] => 2021-05-26 09:45:02
[post_content] => Planning to travel with your pets? With a bit of planning and preparation you can!
Gone are the days when dog and cat owners would need to leave their pets at a boarding facility or have someone dog-sit them while they go on holiday for a few weeks. Nowadays, with airlines becoming pet-friendlier and the rise in therapy dogs, there are more vacation rentals which welcome animals. Hotels are mainly still behind the curve, but with a holiday rental you can bring your furry friend and enjoy a wonderful vacation in a home-away-from-home.
We love our pets here at Vacation Marbella and we’re proud of our selection of pet-friendly holiday rentals in Marbella. But we know that there are certain rules and regulations that you also need to comply with to bring your pets over, so in this article, we’re sharing all the information that you need to bring your pet to Marbella with you for your next vacation.
General tips for traveling with pets
Start your planning a little earlier if you’re traveling with animals as there are certain things they need, that can take some time to get in place.
Inform yourself about the rules of travel and check you have everything you need in good time. Make sure your pet has all the necessary paperwork and is up to date with their vaccinations. Airlines will not allow you to bring your dog or cat with you if they are not registered and their rabies shots are not current. Once you reach your destination, most places and rental accommodation will also check these to make sure that your pet is fully protected.
Think about your travel options – many of our holiday rental guests choose to drive and take a ferry, rather than fly, to make it easier and less stressful for their animals. Driving from the UK and many parts of Europe is easy to do, and it also gives you the opportunity to see some other parts of Spain on your way. Ireland has some great new ferry routes too, which many pet lovers are taking advantage of.
Find pet-friendly accommodation which welcomes your four-legged friends and has outside space where they can enjoy the holiday too.
European and Spanish regulations for traveling with pets
If you are traveling within the EU with your pets you need to make sure you understand the rules and regulations and comply with them. A pet is defined as 5 or less animals travelling with their owner or travelling with a responsible party, within 5 days of the owner making the journey.
Your pet (dog, cat or ferret) must –
Be microchipped
Have a valid rabies vaccination
Have an EU pet passport
For the full rules, including those for other types of pets, you can read the official requirements on the Spanish government website.
If you’re travelling from a non-EU country, you must present yourself to an official Traveller’s Point of Entry (TPE) and declare to the police that you are travelling with a pet and present the pet’s documentation. This could be an animal health certificate or a written declaration stating that its transfer is not due to commercial reasons. They must also have a copy of its vaccination records, and have a valid rabies vaccination, as well as be microchipped. There’s an excellent article from Age in Spain, with more information about this, which we recommend you consult, for more information.
Airlines rules for traveling with pets
Airlines differ in their policy for carrying pets, but require prior notice and often incurs an additional cost. AENA, the company which runs Spanish airports, has some great information on travelling with animals and warns, “A failure to comply with the regulations endangers both you and your pet, and it may mean your pet cannot re-enter the EU, or that it may have to be quarantined or even put down.”
The airline Iberia allows pets to travel with you in the cabin and in the hold, but they limit the numbers of pets per flight, so you need to contact the booking office to guarantee that they can travel with you. Dogs, cats, fish, tortoises and birds which are 8kg or less, including the carrier, can be in the cabin with you, as long as the container fits their size restrictions and parameters. It’s important to note that Iberia is not authorized to transport animals to the UK. Find out more
Vueling has similar requirements to Iberia on pets traveling in the cabin, but does not allow any animals in cargo. They allow dogs, cats, birds and turtles and tortoises to travel in the cabin with owners as long as the carrier is of the approved dimensions and the animal plus carrier is no heavier than 8kg.
EasyJet and Ryanair do not allow animals on their flights, except registered guide and assistance dogs.
Before choosing an airline, check their policy for traveling with animals.
Best types of accommodation for traveling with pets
Holiday rentals are definitely better for travelling with pets than hotels, that’s because you and your furry friends will have the space that you’re used to at home and unlike most hotels, there are more and more holiday rentals which now allow pets.
We’d recommend looking for a property with private, enclosed outside space, such as a ground floor apartment with private garden, or a villa with garden. This gives your pet more freedom and they are less likely to disturb the neighbors.
A location within easy reach of the seafront promenade, dog parks or a dog beach is also great for walk and play time.
Many of the holiday rentals that allow pets, are pet owners themselves, so will have everything you need and designated space for the animal to sleep, eat etc.
We’d recommend browsing our list of pet-friendly holiday rentals in Marbella to see what the options are.
Tips when looking for holiday rentals with your pets
When you bring your pet on holiday, you have to be aware of special rules each pet-friendly holiday rental in Marbella has.
If you allow your pets to sit or sleep on any furniture or beds, make sure they are fully covered with blankets or towels.
If the pet-friendly holiday rental or hotel has a “No pets on the furniture” policy, please respect it and observe it.
If you must leave your pet alone, make sure it is just for a short period of time. It’s also a good idea to notify the property management if your pet is alone in the holiday rental. When they are in a strange place, even the best-behaved pets can create noise and act destructively.
There are some accommodations that also require upfront payment or even a per-day fee for your pet. So, check before you book and bear in mind that allowing pets incurs extra costs for the owner, as they must deep-clean the property to avoid the next guest from having allergic reactions.
Is Marbella pet-friendly?
It is! There are a lot of animal lovers in Marbella and you’ll certainly see a lot of dogs around. We’ve seen an increase in dog parks and bars and cafés catering to dogs and their owners which is wonderful. There are also dedicated section of the beaches allowing dogs in the summer months, so your dog can enjoy splashing in the waves However, there are some restrictions to bear in mind.
Most Marbella restaurants do not allow dogs inside restaurants, so outdoor cafes and restaurants with terraces are the best options. These are everywhere, so you won’t find a shortage of choice.
In the summer season, dogs are also not allowed on the majority of the beaches. However, there are some designated beaches, so look out for them during your stay. Outside of the peak season, dogs are welcome back on the beaches, which is a better time for sensitive paws to be on the sand anyway, so a spring or autumn break will probably suit you all better.
There are particular dog parks popping up all over and many parks are very happy to welcome your fur babies to have fun alongside you. Of course, while on vacation, it is still a good idea to find time to exercise your pet, so just as a precaution bring along a muzzle, collar & leash, and poop bags whenever you go out with them.
Best pet-friendly holiday rentals in Marbella
Villas with mature private garden to provide your pets with places to explore and shady spots to relax
Large ground floor apartments with private gardens and sufficient space inside and out for your pet
A location within easy reach of good dog walks in the countryside, or large parks where you can all explore
Best things to do in Marbella with your pets
Explore the countryside – Many people don’t know that there are some wonderful walks and beautiful countryside, within easy reach of Marbella. Just behind the town is the iconic La Concha and amazing walks and hikes. There’s also a hiking trail in Nagueles and Benahavis that we’d really recommend.
Find a dog park – There are more and more of these dedicated dog parks popping up, where you can relax and let your dog play with other animals, and probably find other dog owners to chat to as well. Parque Los Tres Jardines in the San Pedro polígono has a 4,500 square meter dog park. There’s another dog park in Nagueles, opposite Swans secondary school to try. Head into the Nagueles park and follow the signs.
Stroll along the paseo and stop off for drinks and food along the way – The long seafront promenade is the perfect place for walk time, because it’s flat and easy, with beautiful sea views, plus lots of bars, cafes and restaurants along the way. These all have outside tables, so there’s no problem to bring your pet and rest weary feet and paws.
Head to the beach – As we mentioned, you need to check whether dogs are allowed in the peak summer season and choose a designated dog beach. However, off season, you can take your pick and enjoy the nearest beach to your holiday rental. Dogs have such a great time swimming, running, catching sticks and playing in the sand. Not to be missed!
We hope this article has made travelling with pets easier. Check out our pet-friendly holiday rentals in Marbella on our website, or contact us to find out more and get our recommendations.
[post_title] => Travelling with pets
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[post_name] => travelling-with-pets
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[post_modified] => 2024-09-06 13:32:18
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-09-06 11:32:18
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[2] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 420603
[post_author] => 1
[post_date] => 2024-08-22 12:50:06
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-08-22 10:50:06
[post_content] => One of the most commonly requested services from holidaymakers staying in our vacation rentals in Marbella is to hire a private driver for their holiday. Having a luxury car with a chauffeur at your disposal means no need to hire a car, or worry about navigating or finding parking and that takes a lot of pressure off you.
Whether you want to have a private driver for your whole stay, so you can be spontaneous and always have someone on hand, or just book them for certain trips is up to you. We definitely recommend arranging airport transfers, so that you arrive at your holiday rental with no stress, and don’t have any concerns about your return for the airport. Private drivers are also great if you want to explore the area, or head out for a special evening and want to arrive in style.
In this article, we’ll be looking at why hiring a private driver is so popular and recommend some companies offering private drivers in luxury cars in Marbella. Please contact us if you want to discuss hiring a car or arranging an airport transfer as well, we can help you with this as part of our guest services.
Why hire a chauffeur service in Marbella?
There are 5 main reasons why a private driver is so popular as part of a holiday in Marbella –
No need to navigate around a new area and worry about getting lost – even with GPS and the new navigation technology, driving in a different country, a new car and often on the different side of the road can be stressful and following the GPS directions can be confusing. The concerns of whether you’re taking the right exit, or are in the correct lane, can really stress you out and take away from the fun of exploring the beautiful area of Marbella. If you have a private driver, there’s no worries, you can sit back and relax, enjoy the views and know that you have a local driver who will take you exactly where you need to go.
No difficulty with finding parking – Parking can be limited in Marbella, especially during the summer and it can add time and expense to any journey. With a private driver, you will arrive in style at the door of where you want to go and walk straight in, without paying for parking, or driving around for ages trying to find a free spot.
Enjoy a drink if you want to – Champagne and cocktails, or wine pairing with a special meal is part of a glamourous holiday in Marbella for many of us. However, we know that drinking and driving do not mix, so the designated driver can’t join in the fun. With a chauffeur service, you can leave the driving to the professionals and enjoy a drink or two if the mood takes you, with no worry.
Tour the surrounding countryside stress free – Marbella is located in a beautiful part of Spain and some of the most famous towns in Andalucia are within a short drive. With a private driver, you can decide where you want to visit and what you want to see and let them take care of getting you there. With Ronda, Granada, Seville, Jerez and Tarifa all within an easy drive for a day trip from Marbella, you are spoilt for choice. By choosing a chauffeur service, you can focus on the destination and the sightseeing, rather than the driving, and know your private driver will be waiting for you when you’re ready to go.
Get to and from the airport with your luggage and straight to your door – Trying to navigate the limited public transport options with your luggage, or hiring a car at the airport and trying to get yourself to your holiday rental adds stress and time to your journey. With an airport transfer from Malaga airport, your private driver will be waiting for you when you come out of the airport. They can help you with your luggage, drive you straight to your holiday rental and help you unload your luggage. It’s the closest to a stress-free journey as you can get, and the best start to a relaxing holiday in Marbella.
Chauffeur Services in Marbella for every occasion
Our course everyone is unique, but here are the most common situations when our holiday guests choose to have a chauffeur service –
To collect them from the airport and take them back at the end of their stay
To play golf and get to the course of their choice with all their gear
To go to dinner, or a special event in style
To tour Marbella or Andalucia
To go to the spa or hairdresser and be pampered and be collected when they’re relaxed and looking great
Best private driver in Marbella
There is a large selection of companies and individuals offering chauffeur services in Marbella. Here are a few of the most popular.
Marbella Transfer have been offering private drivers in and around Marbella since 2001. Their unique selling point is that their cars are authorized to enter Puerto Banús and offer their clients direct access to the yachts, shops and restaurants of this glamourous marina. They can be available for a single trip, a few hours or several days, with a fixed price agreed in the reservation. Their drivers are professional and multi-lingual and are punctual and discreet. They also offer guided tours of some of the best areas close to Marbella. Contact by WhatsApp on +34 635 644 361, visit their website or email info@transfertomarbella.es
Simply Shuttles – This company has been offering private transportation services all along the Costa del Sol since 2011 and call themselves the Costa del Sol’s most trusted transfer company. They have a large fleet and professional, polite and uniformed drivers, who pride themselves on being punctual and reliable. Their prices are all inclusive, with no hidden charges and they provide seats for babies and children and cater for golfers and those with extra luggage too. You can call +34 951 279 117, email info@simply-shuttles.com or visit their website to contact them.
If you’re only interested in using a private driver for your airport transfer, and are staying in one of our vacation rentals in Marbella we can arrange it all for you. Find out more about our airport transfers on our website or contact us to discuss your needs.
Private driver with luxury vehicle
Luxury Travel Costa del Sol – If you’re looking for high-end vehicles, then this company comes highly recommended. Their company is built on quality, punctuality and professionalism and offer VIP services to their clientele. Their fleet includes Mercedes S-Class, Mercedes E-Class and Mercedes V-Class, to cater for different group sizes and luggage requirements. To find out more, call +34 951 133 995 or email info@transfersvipmalaga.com
Infinity Luxe Chauffeur is a global brand, which offers a bespoke private chauffeur service in Marbella. They offer 24/7 support and a service combining luxury, comfort, safety, accessibility and discretion. The want to make your visit to Marbella the best it can be by offering a private driver during your stay, plus a concierge service if you need support. Find out more and request a quote on their website.
Haimour International is another global private driver service which offers chauffeurs and luxury cars in Marbella. Their team of professional drivers are available 24/7 to take you shopping, sightseeing, to an event, or of course to and from the airport. Their fleet includes a range of Mercedes, Range Rover, Rolls Royce Phantom, Bentley and Maybach cars, so you’re sure to find a vehicle that meets with your approval. They also hire cars if you’d prefer to rent a luxury car and drive it yourself and offer a concierge service too. To find out more, email contact@haimourinternational.com, call +33 1 84 11 20 34 or visit their website.
Whichever company you choose, they are sure to help you to have a relaxing holiday in Marbella and make the most of everything on offer, without the stress of driving.
[post_title] => The best private drivers in Marbella
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[post_name] => the-best-private-drivers-in-marbella
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[post_modified] => 2024-08-22 12:50:06
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On the Costa del Sol we are so lucky with the weather with plenty of bright sunshine and high temperatures throughout the year. However, visitors can be surprised by how cool it can feel in the shade, or when night falls. Don’t be caught unprepared, read on for our insider’s advice for having a wonderful time in Marbella during the winter.
It’s all about the layers
When you’re packing, think of layers that can make sure you are comfortable morning, noon and night. What catches you out here is it can be cool in the morning, but by midday it is usually warm and if you’re in the sunshine you’ll probably want to have something with short sleeves. Watch out again later on, as it quickly cools down again in the evening, so light shirts, tops or cardigans and light jackets layered up over a short-sleeved top or t-shirt is the best way to be prepared.
Choose your restaurants with care
We have the most amazing restaurants here on the Costa del Sol and lunchtime even in the winter is no problem, as you can usually be outside enjoying the sunshine. However in the evening it can be more tricky, as the temperatures drop you really want to be inside, somewhere which is warm and has a nice atmosphere out of season. These restaurants are not as common, so choose carefully, and don’t be afraid to walk into and out of a few before you find the right place – it’s horrid to feel cold and uncomfortable when you should be enjoying your meal. We’ve compiled a Marbella restaurant guide with some of our top picks, which you can browse on our website. Out of these, our favourites for the winter would be –
Mosh Fun Kitchen if you’re looking for a really lively night out, with music and great food, as this is always buzzing
Ta-Kumi for great Japanese food in central Marbella, it has a really nice interior dining space and is very comfortable during the winter
Paco Jimenez in Marbella’s Old Town for traditional Spanish food and a cozy dining area complete with an open fire and objects from the family’s history. The team always give you a warm welcome and it’s a lovely home from home feel.
Messina for Michelin star fine dining and a comfortable dining area
Hacienda Patagonica for amazing steak and casual dining with an excellent buzz. It’s always busy in this popular restaurant and the bistro feel is great in the winter.
Enjoy sports and active pursuits
Sunny winter days are perfect to enjoy some of Marbella’s excellent sports facilities. It is a great time to enjoy one of the 70 golf courses on the Costa del Sol, or to head out into the countryside to hike, mountain bike or horse ride. One of the most popular activities in the area is hiking the Caminito del Rey near to Malaga, a spectacular route which takes you alongside and over the El Chorro gorge, more than 100 meters up. This is a winter activity that you won’t forget, but it is very popular and availability is limited, so book your tickets and time slot before you arrive on the website.
If you get a rare rainy day, then head to one of the excellent art galleries on the Costa del Sol. Malaga is the hub for art on the coast, but Mijas and Marbella also have some good galleries and Estepona has some really interesting small museums to explore.
Take a day trip
When the temperatures are cooler, the crowds are fewer and the traffic is light it’s a great time to hit the road and visit some of the nearby towns to Marbella. Just a few hours’ drive can take you to some of the most celebrated cities, like Granada, which brims with Andalusian culture, history and charm and of course has the legendary Alhambra Palace and Gardens. Just an hour away you can visit Ronda with its incredible gorge and excellent wines, or the picturesque village of Mijas, which has excellent hiking, an art gallery featuring some of the world’s great painters and even a chocolate factory! You can even take a day trip to the slopes for a day’s skiing in the Sierra Nevada mountain range near Granada. We love waking up by the beach and skiing before lunch, it’s an amazing experience.
As you can see, Marbella is an excellent winter destination, as well as a wonderful place for a summer beach holiday. Choosing a holiday rental property gives you the flexibility to chill out at “home” if there’s a rainy day, shop in the excellent local markets and enjoy cooking and dining on the cooler evenings. Some have lovely open fires and others have underfloor heating so you’re warm and comfortable whatever the weather. Please check with us if you’d like advice on the best properties, or locations for the winter months, depending on your plans and requirements. We have excellent properties right by some of the best golf courses, and others more central if you prefer a city break and our local experts are here to help you make the best decision. Browse our Marbella vacation rentals or contact our team for advice.
[0] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 405401
[post_author] => 1
[post_date] => 2021-05-26 11:45:02
[post_date_gmt] => 2021-05-26 09:45:02
[post_content] => ¿Estás planeando viajar con tus mascotas? ¡Con un poco de planificación y preparación puedes hacerlo!
Atrás quedaron los días en los que los dueños de perros y gatos tenían que dejar a sus mascotas en una residencia o pedirle a alguien que las cuidara mientras se iban de vacaciones por unas semanas. Hoy en día, con aerolíneas cada vez más amigables con las mascotas y el aumento de los perros de terapia, hay más alquileres vacacionales que permiten animales. Los hoteles aún están un poco rezagados, pero con un alquiler vacacional, puedes llevar a tu amigo peludo y disfrutar de unas vacaciones maravillosas en un hogar lejos de casa.
Nos encantan nuestras mascotas en Vacation Marbella y estamos orgullosos de nuestra selección de alquileres vacacionales que aceptan mascotas en Marbella. Pero sabemos que también hay ciertas normas y reglamentos que debes cumplir para llevar a tus mascotas, por lo que en este artículo compartimos toda la información que necesitas para traer a tu mascota a Marbella en tus próximas vacaciones.
Consejos generales para viajar con mascotas
Empieza a planificar un poco antes si viajas con animales, ya que hay ciertas cosas que necesitan, y puede tomar algo de tiempo prepararlas.
Infórmate sobre las reglas de viaje y asegúrate de tener todo lo que necesitas con tiempo suficiente. Asegúrate de que tu mascota tenga toda la documentación necesaria y esté al día con sus vacunas. Las aerolíneas no te permitirán llevar a tu perro o gato si no están registrados y sus vacunas contra la rabia no están actualizadas. Una vez que llegues a tu destino, la mayoría de los lugares y alojamientos también verificarán esto para asegurarse de que tu mascota esté completamente protegida.
Piensa en tus opciones de viaje: muchos de nuestros huéspedes de alquileres vacacionales eligen conducir y tomar un ferry en lugar de volar para hacer el viaje más fácil y menos estresante para sus animales. Conducir desde el Reino Unido y muchas partes de Europa es fácil, y también te da la oportunidad de ver otras partes de España en el camino. Irlanda también tiene algunas nuevas rutas de ferry, que muchos amantes de las mascotas están aprovechando.
Encuentra alojamiento que acepte mascotas y que cuente con espacios exteriores donde ellas también puedan disfrutar de las vacaciones.
Reglamentos europeos y españoles para viajar con mascotas
Si viajas dentro de la UE con tus mascotas, asegúrate de entender las reglas y cumplir con ellas. Se define como mascota a cinco o menos animales que viajan con su dueño o con una persona responsable, dentro de los cinco días siguientes al viaje del dueño.
Tu mascota (perro, gato o hurón) debe:
Estar identificada con microchip
Tener una vacuna antirrábica válida
Tener un pasaporte para animales de la UE
Para conocer todas las normas, incluidas las relativas a otros tipos de mascotas, puedes leer los requisitos oficiales en el sitio web del gobierno español.
Si viajas desde un país no perteneciente a la UE, debes presentarte en un Punto de Entrada de Viajeros (TPE) oficial y declarar a la policía que viajas con una mascota, presentando la documentación del animal. Esto puede incluir un certificado de salud animal o una declaración escrita que indique que el traslado no se debe a razones comerciales. También deben tener una copia de sus registros de vacunación, una vacuna antirrábica válida y estar identificados con microchip.
Hay un excelente artículo de Age in Spain con más información sobre este tema, que te recomendamos consultar.
Reglas de las aerolíneas para viajar con mascotas
Las aerolíneas varían en sus políticas para transportar mascotas, pero requieren notificación previa y a menudo implica un costo adicional. AENA, la empresa que gestiona los aeropuertos españoles, tiene buena información sobre viajar con animales y advierte: “El incumplimiento de las normativas pone en peligro tanto a ti como a tu mascota, y puede significar que tu mascota no pueda volver a ingresar a la UE, o que tenga que ser puesta en cuarentena o incluso sacrificada.”
La aerolínea Iberia permite que las mascotas viajen contigo en la cabina o en la bodega, pero limita el número de animales por vuelo, por lo que necesitas contactar a la oficina de reservas para garantizar que puedan viajar contigo. Los perros, gatos, peces, tortugas y aves que pesen 8 kg o menos, incluyendo el transportín, pueden estar en la cabina contigo, siempre que el contenedor cumpla con las restricciones de tamaño. Es importante destacar que Iberia no está autorizada a transportar animales al Reino Unido.
Vueling tiene requisitos similares a Iberia para el transporte de mascotas en la cabina, pero no permite ningún animal en la bodega. Permiten perros, gatos, aves y tortugas siempre que el transportín cumpla con las dimensiones aprobadas y el animal con transportín no pese más de 8 kg.
EasyJet y Ryanair no permiten animales en sus vuelos, excepto perros guía y de asistencia registrados.
Antes de elegir una aerolínea, verifica su política para viajar con animales.
Los mejores tipos de alojamiento para viajar con mascotas
Los alquileres vacacionales son definitivamente mejores que los hoteles cuando se viaja con mascotas, ya que tú y tus amigos peludos tendrán el espacio al que están acostumbrados en casa. A diferencia de la mayoría de los hoteles, cada vez hay más alquileres vacacionales que permiten mascotas.
Recomendamos buscar una propiedad con espacio exterior privado y cerrado, como un apartamento en planta baja con jardín privado, o una villa con jardín. Esto le da a tu mascota más libertad y es menos probable que moleste a los vecinos.
Una ubicación cerca del paseo marítimo, parques para perros o una playa para perros también es ideal para los momentos de paseo y juego.
Muchos de los alquileres vacacionales que permiten mascotas son de propietarios de mascotas, por lo que tendrán todo lo que necesitas, como espacio designado para que el animal duerma, coma, etc.
Te recomendamos consultar nuestra lista de alquileres vacacionales que aceptan mascotas en Marbella para ver las opciones disponibles.
Consejos al buscar alquileres vacacionales con tus mascotas
Cuando lleves a tu mascota de vacaciones, debes estar consciente de las reglas especiales que cada alquiler vacacional que acepte mascotas tiene.
Si permites que tus mascotas se sienten o duerman en cualquier mueble o cama, asegúrate de cubrirlos completamente con mantas o toallas.
Si el alquiler vacacional o el hotel tiene una política de "No mascotas en los muebles", por favor respétala.
Si debes dejar a tu mascota sola, asegúrate de que sea solo por un corto periodo de tiempo.
También es una buena idea notificar a la administración de la propiedad si tu mascota está sola en el alquiler vacacional. Cuando están en un lugar desconocido, incluso las mascotas mejor entrenadas pueden hacer ruido o comportarse de manera destructiva.
Algunos alojamientos también requieren un pago por adelantado o incluso una tarifa por día para tu mascota. Por lo tanto, verifica antes de reservar y ten en cuenta que permitir mascotas implica costos adicionales para el propietario, ya que deben limpiar a fondo la propiedad para evitar que el próximo huésped tenga reacciones alérgicas.
¿Es Marbella apta para mascotas?
¡Lo es! Hay muchos amantes de los animales en Marbella y ciertamente verás muchos perros por la ciudad. Hemos visto un aumento en los parques para perros y bares y cafés que atienden a los perros y a sus dueños, lo cual es maravilloso. También hay una sección dedicada en las playas que permite perros durante los meses de verano, para que tu perro pueda disfrutar de un chapuzón en las olas. Sin embargo, hay algunas restricciones a tener en cuenta.
La mayoría de los restaurantes de Marbella no permiten perros dentro de los restaurantes, por lo que las cafeterías al aire libre y los restaurantes con terrazas son las mejores opciones. Estos están por todas partes, por lo que no te faltará elección.
En la temporada de verano, los perros tampoco están permitidos en la mayoría de las playas. Sin embargo, hay algunas playas designadas para ellos, así que busca esos lugares durante tu estancia. Fuera de la temporada alta, los perros son bienvenidos nuevamente en las playas, lo cual es mejor para sus patas sensibles en la arena de todos modos.
También están surgiendo parques para perros y muchos parques están felices de dar la bienvenida a tus peludos para que se diviertan junto a ti.
Por supuesto, durante las vacaciones, es importante que encuentres tiempo para ejercitar a tu mascota. Como precaución, lleva contigo un bozal, correa, collar y bolsas para desechos cada vez que salgas con ellos.
Los mejores alquileres vacacionales para mascotas en Marbella
Villas con jardines privados maduros que ofrecen a tus mascotas lugares para explorar y áreas sombreadas para relajarse.
Apartamentos en planta baja con jardines privados y suficiente espacio tanto dentro como fuera para tu mascota.
Un alquiler vacacional cerca de una playa para perros: aquí tienes una lista de ocho playas para perros en la Costa del Sol.
Una ubicación cercana a buenos paseos para perros en el campo o parques grandes donde puedan explorar juntos.
Las mejores cosas para hacer en Marbella con tus mascotas
Explora el campo: mucha gente no sabe que hay maravillosos paseos y un campo hermoso cerca de Marbella. Justo detrás de la ciudad se encuentra la icónica La Concha, con increíbles paseos y rutas de senderismo. También hay una ruta de senderismo en Nagüeles y Benahavís que te recomendamos.
Encuentra un parque para perros: cada vez hay más parques para perros donde puedes relajarte y dejar que tu perro juegue con otros animales, y probablemente conocer a otros dueños de perros. El Parque Los Tres Jardines en el polígono de San Pedro tiene un parque para perros de 4.500 metros cuadrados. También hay otro parque para perros en Nagüeles, frente al colegio secundario Swans. Adéntrate en el parque Nagüeles y sigue las señales.
Pasea por el paseo marítimo y haz una parada para tomar algo y comer en el camino: el largo paseo marítimo es el lugar perfecto para pasear, ya que es plano y fácil, con hermosas vistas al mar, además de muchos bares, cafés y restaurantes en el camino. Todos tienen mesas exteriores, por lo que no hay problema en llevar a tu mascota y descansar tus pies y los de tu peludo.
Ve a la playa: como mencionamos, debes verificar si los perros están permitidos en la temporada alta de verano y elegir una playa designada para perros. Sin embargo, fuera de temporada, puedes elegir la playa más cercana a tu alquiler vacacional. Los perros disfrutan muchísimo nadando, corriendo, atrapando palos y jugando en la arena. ¡No te lo puedes perder!
Esperamos que este artículo haya hecho que viajar con mascotas sea más fácil. Consulta nuestros alquileres vacacionales que aceptan mascotas en Marbella en nuestro sitio web o contáctanos para obtener más información y nuestras recomendaciones.
[post_title] => Viajar con mascotas
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[post_name] => viajar-con-mascotas-consejos-a-la-hora-de-buscar-alquileres-vacacionales
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[post_modified] => 2024-09-06 13:31:33
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-09-06 11:31:33
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[guid] => https://vacationmarbella.com/travelling-with-pets/
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[1] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 392427
[post_author] => 1
[post_date] => 2021-05-26 11:45:02
[post_date_gmt] => 2021-05-26 09:45:02
[post_content] => Planning to travel with your pets? With a bit of planning and preparation you can!
Gone are the days when dog and cat owners would need to leave their pets at a boarding facility or have someone dog-sit them while they go on holiday for a few weeks. Nowadays, with airlines becoming pet-friendlier and the rise in therapy dogs, there are more vacation rentals which welcome animals. Hotels are mainly still behind the curve, but with a holiday rental you can bring your furry friend and enjoy a wonderful vacation in a home-away-from-home.
We love our pets here at Vacation Marbella and we’re proud of our selection of pet-friendly holiday rentals in Marbella. But we know that there are certain rules and regulations that you also need to comply with to bring your pets over, so in this article, we’re sharing all the information that you need to bring your pet to Marbella with you for your next vacation.
General tips for traveling with pets
Start your planning a little earlier if you’re traveling with animals as there are certain things they need, that can take some time to get in place.
Inform yourself about the rules of travel and check you have everything you need in good time. Make sure your pet has all the necessary paperwork and is up to date with their vaccinations. Airlines will not allow you to bring your dog or cat with you if they are not registered and their rabies shots are not current. Once you reach your destination, most places and rental accommodation will also check these to make sure that your pet is fully protected.
Think about your travel options – many of our holiday rental guests choose to drive and take a ferry, rather than fly, to make it easier and less stressful for their animals. Driving from the UK and many parts of Europe is easy to do, and it also gives you the opportunity to see some other parts of Spain on your way. Ireland has some great new ferry routes too, which many pet lovers are taking advantage of.
Find pet-friendly accommodation which welcomes your four-legged friends and has outside space where they can enjoy the holiday too.
European and Spanish regulations for traveling with pets
If you are traveling within the EU with your pets you need to make sure you understand the rules and regulations and comply with them. A pet is defined as 5 or less animals travelling with their owner or travelling with a responsible party, within 5 days of the owner making the journey.
Your pet (dog, cat or ferret) must –
Be microchipped
Have a valid rabies vaccination
Have an EU pet passport
For the full rules, including those for other types of pets, you can read the official requirements on the Spanish government website.
If you’re travelling from a non-EU country, you must present yourself to an official Traveller’s Point of Entry (TPE) and declare to the police that you are travelling with a pet and present the pet’s documentation. This could be an animal health certificate or a written declaration stating that its transfer is not due to commercial reasons. They must also have a copy of its vaccination records, and have a valid rabies vaccination, as well as be microchipped. There’s an excellent article from Age in Spain, with more information about this, which we recommend you consult, for more information.
Airlines rules for traveling with pets
Airlines differ in their policy for carrying pets, but require prior notice and often incurs an additional cost. AENA, the company which runs Spanish airports, has some great information on travelling with animals and warns, “A failure to comply with the regulations endangers both you and your pet, and it may mean your pet cannot re-enter the EU, or that it may have to be quarantined or even put down.”
The airline Iberia allows pets to travel with you in the cabin and in the hold, but they limit the numbers of pets per flight, so you need to contact the booking office to guarantee that they can travel with you. Dogs, cats, fish, tortoises and birds which are 8kg or less, including the carrier, can be in the cabin with you, as long as the container fits their size restrictions and parameters. It’s important to note that Iberia is not authorized to transport animals to the UK. Find out more
Vueling has similar requirements to Iberia on pets traveling in the cabin, but does not allow any animals in cargo. They allow dogs, cats, birds and turtles and tortoises to travel in the cabin with owners as long as the carrier is of the approved dimensions and the animal plus carrier is no heavier than 8kg.
EasyJet and Ryanair do not allow animals on their flights, except registered guide and assistance dogs.
Before choosing an airline, check their policy for traveling with animals.
Best types of accommodation for traveling with pets
Holiday rentals are definitely better for travelling with pets than hotels, that’s because you and your furry friends will have the space that you’re used to at home and unlike most hotels, there are more and more holiday rentals which now allow pets.
We’d recommend looking for a property with private, enclosed outside space, such as a ground floor apartment with private garden, or a villa with garden. This gives your pet more freedom and they are less likely to disturb the neighbors.
A location within easy reach of the seafront promenade, dog parks or a dog beach is also great for walk and play time.
Many of the holiday rentals that allow pets, are pet owners themselves, so will have everything you need and designated space for the animal to sleep, eat etc.
We’d recommend browsing our list of pet-friendly holiday rentals in Marbella to see what the options are.
Tips when looking for holiday rentals with your pets
When you bring your pet on holiday, you have to be aware of special rules each pet-friendly holiday rental in Marbella has.
If you allow your pets to sit or sleep on any furniture or beds, make sure they are fully covered with blankets or towels.
If the pet-friendly holiday rental or hotel has a “No pets on the furniture” policy, please respect it and observe it.
If you must leave your pet alone, make sure it is just for a short period of time. It’s also a good idea to notify the property management if your pet is alone in the holiday rental. When they are in a strange place, even the best-behaved pets can create noise and act destructively.
There are some accommodations that also require upfront payment or even a per-day fee for your pet. So, check before you book and bear in mind that allowing pets incurs extra costs for the owner, as they must deep-clean the property to avoid the next guest from having allergic reactions.
Is Marbella pet-friendly?
It is! There are a lot of animal lovers in Marbella and you’ll certainly see a lot of dogs around. We’ve seen an increase in dog parks and bars and cafés catering to dogs and their owners which is wonderful. There are also dedicated section of the beaches allowing dogs in the summer months, so your dog can enjoy splashing in the waves However, there are some restrictions to bear in mind.
Most Marbella restaurants do not allow dogs inside restaurants, so outdoor cafes and restaurants with terraces are the best options. These are everywhere, so you won’t find a shortage of choice.
In the summer season, dogs are also not allowed on the majority of the beaches. However, there are some designated beaches, so look out for them during your stay. Outside of the peak season, dogs are welcome back on the beaches, which is a better time for sensitive paws to be on the sand anyway, so a spring or autumn break will probably suit you all better.
There are particular dog parks popping up all over and many parks are very happy to welcome your fur babies to have fun alongside you. Of course, while on vacation, it is still a good idea to find time to exercise your pet, so just as a precaution bring along a muzzle, collar & leash, and poop bags whenever you go out with them.
Best pet-friendly holiday rentals in Marbella
Villas with mature private garden to provide your pets with places to explore and shady spots to relax
Large ground floor apartments with private gardens and sufficient space inside and out for your pet
A location within easy reach of good dog walks in the countryside, or large parks where you can all explore
Best things to do in Marbella with your pets
Explore the countryside – Many people don’t know that there are some wonderful walks and beautiful countryside, within easy reach of Marbella. Just behind the town is the iconic La Concha and amazing walks and hikes. There’s also a hiking trail in Nagueles and Benahavis that we’d really recommend.
Find a dog park – There are more and more of these dedicated dog parks popping up, where you can relax and let your dog play with other animals, and probably find other dog owners to chat to as well. Parque Los Tres Jardines in the San Pedro polígono has a 4,500 square meter dog park. There’s another dog park in Nagueles, opposite Swans secondary school to try. Head into the Nagueles park and follow the signs.
Stroll along the paseo and stop off for drinks and food along the way – The long seafront promenade is the perfect place for walk time, because it’s flat and easy, with beautiful sea views, plus lots of bars, cafes and restaurants along the way. These all have outside tables, so there’s no problem to bring your pet and rest weary feet and paws.
Head to the beach – As we mentioned, you need to check whether dogs are allowed in the peak summer season and choose a designated dog beach. However, off season, you can take your pick and enjoy the nearest beach to your holiday rental. Dogs have such a great time swimming, running, catching sticks and playing in the sand. Not to be missed!
We hope this article has made travelling with pets easier. Check out our pet-friendly holiday rentals in Marbella on our website, or contact us to find out more and get our recommendations.
[post_title] => Travelling with pets
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[post_name] => travelling-with-pets
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[post_modified] => 2024-09-06 13:32:18
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-09-06 11:32:18
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[2] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 420603
[post_author] => 1
[post_date] => 2024-08-22 12:50:06
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-08-22 10:50:06
[post_content] => One of the most commonly requested services from holidaymakers staying in our vacation rentals in Marbella is to hire a private driver for their holiday. Having a luxury car with a chauffeur at your disposal means no need to hire a car, or worry about navigating or finding parking and that takes a lot of pressure off you.
Whether you want to have a private driver for your whole stay, so you can be spontaneous and always have someone on hand, or just book them for certain trips is up to you. We definitely recommend arranging airport transfers, so that you arrive at your holiday rental with no stress, and don’t have any concerns about your return for the airport. Private drivers are also great if you want to explore the area, or head out for a special evening and want to arrive in style.
In this article, we’ll be looking at why hiring a private driver is so popular and recommend some companies offering private drivers in luxury cars in Marbella. Please contact us if you want to discuss hiring a car or arranging an airport transfer as well, we can help you with this as part of our guest services.
Why hire a chauffeur service in Marbella?
There are 5 main reasons why a private driver is so popular as part of a holiday in Marbella –
No need to navigate around a new area and worry about getting lost – even with GPS and the new navigation technology, driving in a different country, a new car and often on the different side of the road can be stressful and following the GPS directions can be confusing. The concerns of whether you’re taking the right exit, or are in the correct lane, can really stress you out and take away from the fun of exploring the beautiful area of Marbella. If you have a private driver, there’s no worries, you can sit back and relax, enjoy the views and know that you have a local driver who will take you exactly where you need to go.
No difficulty with finding parking – Parking can be limited in Marbella, especially during the summer and it can add time and expense to any journey. With a private driver, you will arrive in style at the door of where you want to go and walk straight in, without paying for parking, or driving around for ages trying to find a free spot.
Enjoy a drink if you want to – Champagne and cocktails, or wine pairing with a special meal is part of a glamourous holiday in Marbella for many of us. However, we know that drinking and driving do not mix, so the designated driver can’t join in the fun. With a chauffeur service, you can leave the driving to the professionals and enjoy a drink or two if the mood takes you, with no worry.
Tour the surrounding countryside stress free – Marbella is located in a beautiful part of Spain and some of the most famous towns in Andalucia are within a short drive. With a private driver, you can decide where you want to visit and what you want to see and let them take care of getting you there. With Ronda, Granada, Seville, Jerez and Tarifa all within an easy drive for a day trip from Marbella, you are spoilt for choice. By choosing a chauffeur service, you can focus on the destination and the sightseeing, rather than the driving, and know your private driver will be waiting for you when you’re ready to go.
Get to and from the airport with your luggage and straight to your door – Trying to navigate the limited public transport options with your luggage, or hiring a car at the airport and trying to get yourself to your holiday rental adds stress and time to your journey. With an airport transfer from Malaga airport, your private driver will be waiting for you when you come out of the airport. They can help you with your luggage, drive you straight to your holiday rental and help you unload your luggage. It’s the closest to a stress-free journey as you can get, and the best start to a relaxing holiday in Marbella.
Chauffeur Services in Marbella for every occasion
Our course everyone is unique, but here are the most common situations when our holiday guests choose to have a chauffeur service –
To collect them from the airport and take them back at the end of their stay
To play golf and get to the course of their choice with all their gear
To go to dinner, or a special event in style
To tour Marbella or Andalucia
To go to the spa or hairdresser and be pampered and be collected when they’re relaxed and looking great
Best private driver in Marbella
There is a large selection of companies and individuals offering chauffeur services in Marbella. Here are a few of the most popular.
Marbella Transfer have been offering private drivers in and around Marbella since 2001. Their unique selling point is that their cars are authorized to enter Puerto Banús and offer their clients direct access to the yachts, shops and restaurants of this glamourous marina. They can be available for a single trip, a few hours or several days, with a fixed price agreed in the reservation. Their drivers are professional and multi-lingual and are punctual and discreet. They also offer guided tours of some of the best areas close to Marbella. Contact by WhatsApp on +34 635 644 361, visit their website or email info@transfertomarbella.es
Simply Shuttles – This company has been offering private transportation services all along the Costa del Sol since 2011 and call themselves the Costa del Sol’s most trusted transfer company. They have a large fleet and professional, polite and uniformed drivers, who pride themselves on being punctual and reliable. Their prices are all inclusive, with no hidden charges and they provide seats for babies and children and cater for golfers and those with extra luggage too. You can call +34 951 279 117, email info@simply-shuttles.com or visit their website to contact them.
If you’re only interested in using a private driver for your airport transfer, and are staying in one of our vacation rentals in Marbella we can arrange it all for you. Find out more about our airport transfers on our website or contact us to discuss your needs.
Private driver with luxury vehicle
Luxury Travel Costa del Sol – If you’re looking for high-end vehicles, then this company comes highly recommended. Their company is built on quality, punctuality and professionalism and offer VIP services to their clientele. Their fleet includes Mercedes S-Class, Mercedes E-Class and Mercedes V-Class, to cater for different group sizes and luggage requirements. To find out more, call +34 951 133 995 or email info@transfersvipmalaga.com
Infinity Luxe Chauffeur is a global brand, which offers a bespoke private chauffeur service in Marbella. They offer 24/7 support and a service combining luxury, comfort, safety, accessibility and discretion. The want to make your visit to Marbella the best it can be by offering a private driver during your stay, plus a concierge service if you need support. Find out more and request a quote on their website.
Haimour International is another global private driver service which offers chauffeurs and luxury cars in Marbella. Their team of professional drivers are available 24/7 to take you shopping, sightseeing, to an event, or of course to and from the airport. Their fleet includes a range of Mercedes, Range Rover, Rolls Royce Phantom, Bentley and Maybach cars, so you’re sure to find a vehicle that meets with your approval. They also hire cars if you’d prefer to rent a luxury car and drive it yourself and offer a concierge service too. To find out more, email contact@haimourinternational.com, call +33 1 84 11 20 34 or visit their website.
Whichever company you choose, they are sure to help you to have a relaxing holiday in Marbella and make the most of everything on offer, without the stress of driving.
[post_title] => The best private drivers in Marbella
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From Vacation Marbella wants that everyone knows the benefit about staying in Marbella. There are a plenty of activities that you can do
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